Eye care has a particularly complex relationship with insurance because many people carry both Optical (vision) and Medical Insurance plans.
Optical Insurance:
If all you need is a new glasses prescription, optical insurance is sufficient. Optical insurance pays only for routine eye exams and may offer a discount on glasses or contacts. Medical conditions aren’t covered by optical insurance.
Medical Insurance:
If your eye is red, itchy, or painful, this would be considered a medical condition and you will need to present medical insurance (or make other arrangements for payment) for service. Eye diseases including cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration, conjunctivitis, foreign bodies, injury, and so on, are all medical conditions and are covered by medical insurance plans. Medical conditions of the eye are NOT covered by optical insurance. If you only have optical insurance, but you come to us with a medical problem, please note that you will be responsible for the costs of your visit. Optical insurance ONLY pays for optical care (glasses and contacts).