What Does Vision Look Like with Glaucoma?


Man wearing glasses

Routine eye examinations are essential to help detect eye disease such as cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma. As the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, glaucoma affects more than 3 million Americans. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that causes damage to the optic nerve, located at the back of the eye. Intraocular pressure […]

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Are Floaters in Your Vision Serious?


Man looking

Eye floaters are mostly caused by changes in the vitreous of the eye brought on by age. Tiny fibers in the jelly-like substance inside the eyes tend to clump causing shadows on the retina. When this happens, eye floaters are noticeable in vision. Eye floaters are generally painless and more of a nuisance than any […]

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Glaucoma Cure


Closeup of an eye

The best treatment available for glaucoma is the lowering of intraocular pressure. Only with a comprehensive eye exam can you know for sure if any signs and symptoms you are exhibiting are a result of glaucoma. While there is no cure for glaucoma, early treatment can stop damage and help prevent further vision loss. Glaucoma […]

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