How Are Visual Acuity Tests Done?

Comprehensive Eye Exam

man holding eye

By undergoing a comprehensive eye exam at Pendleton Eye, you are proactively playing a role in the preventative care of your eye health and vision clarity There are many vision problems and eye diseases that do not present with obvious symptoms until either the issue progresses resulting in impaired vision or has advanced far enough […]

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How Do Cataracts Start?


men playing chess

Cataracts usually develop simply due to natural aging, most common in people aged 60 or older. More than half of Americans aged 80 or older have cataracts or have had cataract removal surgery. Cataracts are a slow, progressive development over many years eventually causing blurry vision. In fact, often people are unaware that they have […]

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Will Cataracts Return After Surgery?


Woman sitting by the sea

After successful cataract surgery, cataracts will not return. There is a condition known as secondary cataracts that is often confused with the return of cataracts after surgery, but they are not the same. To better understand the difference, it is important to know what cataracts are, how they develop and the outcome of cataract surgery.  […]

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