
Whether or not cataracts can be prevented is still widely debatable but understanding the age-old tale of cataracts begins with knowing causes and risk factors so you can be prepared for any changes to your vision. At Pendleton Eye, we recommend annual comprehensive eye exams to evaluate the health of your eyes as well as monitoring factors that may contribute to the onset of cataracts. Wearing sunglasses, reducing alcohol intake and cigarette consumption, managing other existing health conditions, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating healthy are proactive measures that may ward off early cataract development. 

Some risk factors that may influence the development of cataract disease include ultraviolet radiation from sunlight and other sources, hypertension, obesity, smoking, statin medicines used to reduce cholesterol, previous eye injuries or inflammation, hormone replacement therapy, significant alcohol consumption, high myopia and family health history. When you discuss your current health, medications you are taking and family history, your ophthalmologist can detect if any of these risk factors may cause problematic changes to your eyes and vision quality. 

Cataracts are caused by a gradual clouding of the natural lens in the eyes due to a breakdown in the protein in the lens that begins to clump together. A healthy lens focuses light onto the retina for a clear image. When the eye is affected by the growing cataract, eventually the eye can no longer produce a clear image and vision is distorted, similarly to a foggy camera lens. The most common cause of cataracts is advancing in age, with those age 40 and older having a higher propensity for developing cataracts. Lesser causes for cataracts are metabolic, genetic and environmental impacts. Traumatic injuries to the eye can also cause cataracts to form. Approximately half of the cases of blindness worldwide are attributed to cataracts with most affected patients being aged 60 years or older. 
Multiple tests can be performed to determine the severity of the cataracts. Cataracts are easily treatable with surgery to restore or improve vision. If you are concerned about cataract development or if your vision is suddenly blurred, contact Pendleton Eye for an appointment to diagnose and create a treatment plan for your best vision possible. Call 760-758-2008 or avoid any wait time by scheduling online at WEBSITE.