Exploring Advanced Imaging in Ophthalmology: Beyond the Basics


Emerging techniques and technology in ophthalmology are key to aiding in early detection of ocular disease and other eye conditions. Advanced imaging in ophthalmology involves a variety of tools to improve clinical management, diagnosis and treatments as growing awareness regarding ophthalmology care and early diagnosis of ophthalmologic disorders drives the demand for advanced devices. Improving […]

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What is Routine Preoperative Clearance for Cataract Surgery?


Cataract surgery is a low-risk surgery with a high patient satisfaction rate. Routine preoperative clearance for cataract surgery is not always necessary. Serious or borderline health issues may require a patient to have testing prior to surgery to ensure IV sedation is safe and rule out the likelihood of complications. Many ophthalmology practices do not […]

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Can I Wear Contacts After Cleansing Them if I Have Pink Eye?


Wearing contact lenses has its advantages over prescription eyeglasses but there are certain dos and don’ts that come along with lenses that sit directly on the eyes. Healthy habits of wearing contact lenses include washing your hands before handling contacts, clean and disinfect lenses daily, dispose of lenses as required, keep lenses in a contact […]

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How to Choose the Right Eyeglasses for Your Face?


One of the fun parts of wearing prescription glasses is the process of selecting the most flattering frames for your face. After the eye exam and all the testing, you can sit back and enjoy perusing the stylish options. At Pendleton Eye, we encourage our patients to take their time trying on every option possible. […]

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Different Lens Options: What Are They?


When the natural lens of the eye becomes clouded, eventually disrupting normal vision, the inevitable solution is cataract surgery. During cataract surgery, the lens is replaced with an artificial lens called an IOL (intraocular lens). Intraocular lenses not only restore blurred vision with the removal of cataracts but can also correct refractive errors such as […]

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How Long After Surgery Do I Need a Follow up Visit?


At CLIENT NAME we want our patients to be aware of the full scope of cataract surgery so you can anticipate the steps of the procedure, the healing process and recovery time. The full recovery period of cataract surgery typically lasts around 8 weeks, with several follow-up appointments included in that timeframe to ensure proper […]

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What Your Vision Says About Your Health


Changes in the eyes alert us to vision problems but did you know that even when no symptoms are present, your eyes may act as an early warning system to indicate other health problems in the body? Your vision has a lot to say about your overall health. Regular eye exams can provide early detection […]

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Can Allergies Affect Just One Eye at a Time?


Millions of people suffer from eye allergies every year. In fact, up to 25% of people worldwide suffer from ocular allergens. Seasonal allergies are caused by environmental factors such as pollen from grass, weeds and trees and chronic causes are largely due to contact lens reactions. Eye allergies can present all on their own but […]

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What Happens if I Don’t Get Cataract Surgery?


Fear, cost and recovery are among many reasons people cite to avoid surgery. In some cases, surgery is a means of last resort when other interventions have proven unsuccessful or when no other option is available to cure the issue. When it comes to cataracts, cataract surgery is inevitable. Despite this truth, patients may wonder […]

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