
June is Cataract Awareness Month, and at Pendleton Eye Center, we’re dedicated to educating our community in the North San Diego County area about this prevailing eye condition. Cataracts are a major cause of vision impairment, but with the right knowledge and treatment, you can maintain clear, healthy vision. Keep reading to learn about the symptoms, risk factors, and effective solutions for cataracts.

Cataracts form when the clear lens of your eye becomes clouded, causing blurry or distorted vision. The retina, which is located at the back of the eye and analyzes images before sending them to the brain, is gradually blocked from receiving light due to this disorder. Cataracts can cause severe vision loss or possibly blindness if left untreated.

Cataracts develop slowly, and you might not notice the changes in your vision immediately. Here are some common symptoms to be aware of:

  • Blurred or Cloudy Vision: You might feel like you’re looking through a foggy window.
  • Difficulty Seeing at Night: Nighttime vision can become challenging, often with increased glare from lights.
  • Sensitivity to Light: Bright lights can cause discomfort and glare.
  • Fading or Yellowing of Colors: Colors might appear less bright or more yellowed.
  • Double Vision in One Eye: Seeing double images can be a sign of cataracts.
  • Frequent Changes in Prescription: Needing new glasses or contact lenses more frequently can indicate cataract development.

Are you suffering from cataracts?

Several factors can increase your risk of developing cataracts, including:

  • Age: Cataracts are most common in older adults.
  • Diabetes: This condition can accelerate the formation of cataracts.
  • Excessive Sun Exposure: UV radiation can contribute to cataract development.
  • Smoking: Tobacco use is linked to a higher risk of cataracts.
  • Obesity: Being overweight can increase your risk.
  • High Blood Pressure: Hypertension can contribute to cataract formation.
  • Previous Eye Injury or Surgery: Trauma or surgical history can elevate the risk.
  • Prolonged Use of Steroid Medications: Long-term use of steroids can lead to cataracts.
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The most effective treatment for cataracts is surgery. Cataract surgery is a safe and common procedure where the clouded lens is removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens. This outpatient surgery typically takes less than an hour and has a high success rate, allowing millions to regain clear vision annually. Depending on your vision and your vision goals, you have options of different intraocular lens (IOLs) options to choose from. For example, you can customize your vision and increase your independence from glasses for distance and near vision. Interested in learning more about your cataract lens options? Click here to learn more.

Don’t wait for symptoms to worsen. Schedule an annual eye exam at Pendleton Eye Center to ensure your eyes are healthy and cataract-free.

Call us today at (760) 758-2008 to book your appointment or learn more about the cataract evaluation process on our website for more information. Protect your vision and maintain a clear view of life with Pendleton Eye Center.

Let’s keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear!

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